Our School Assemblies & Workshops aim to enhance social and emotional development through physical activity while helping to shape a community of respectful and confident students who build and maintain positive, healthy relationships.
Health & Fitness Initiatives: Taking a physical approach to enhancing mental and social well-being– being sure to integrate tips and information about leading healthy lives.
Family Programming: Providing opportunities for children to bond with their parent(s) and learn through modeling as they watch their parents challenge themselves and try new things.
Classroom / Recess Challenges and Friend Groups: We specialize in working with groups on improving their skills to communicate, work together, respect one another and be inclusive.
Large Assemblies: We are anything but an organization to simply “speak” to students about valuable life skills. However, we have found innovative ways to work with children in a theater setting that allows for us to maintain our effective approach of using interactive games that spark meaningful dialogue. This builds self-esteem, confidence, character and various life skills.
Physical Education Special Programming: Helping build social and emotional skills through physical activity.